Tuesday 6 January 2009

Ignorant Media Wrong AGAIN!

another nail in the coffin lid of the media's believability: (or how stupid are these people, anyway?)

Reporting in the hostilities between Hamas terrorists in Gaza and the Israeli defense force actions:
CBS Evening news (USA) takes great delight (apparently) in showing a Palestinian father grieving over his wounded little boy, kissing the boy gently on the face, and scenes of frightened citizens running down the streets. A voiced over "Palestinian" news announcer whines that things are getting much more difficult for the families who live in the Gaza Strip since basic services such as electricity and water have been disrupted.

As far as CBS and the rest of the ignorant, mis-informed major media are concerned, the Hamas terrorists are just poor innocent victims of them there mean old Israelis who are trying to make their sweet lives miserable.

Stoopid CBS, you should have looked behind the shooting to see what made the Israelites begin their defensive assault on the terrorists who had been killing Israeli children and innocent citizens over the last three years. (But that would require actual investigation, which is too complicated for journalists, so don't bother your flaccid little minds.)

Oh well, no one believes anything the mainline media stooges say anymore, anyhow.

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