Monday 25 August 2008

New Referendum Proposed ... Told you so!!!

A much more humbled Minister Dick Roche tried to pour oil on the tumultuous waters he had stirred up in his blasphemous suggestion that the Irish government should ignore the will of the Irish people in favor of placating the European master race in an interview on RTE this morning. However, in his attempt to make peace, he only made matters worse for himself.

I agree wholeheartedly with Cardinal Brady's assessment that we don't believe the Euros have any religious convictions to back their rush to power. Of course they don't! What glory could Christ's Church possibly get from the fourth Reich? The power hungry would-be masters on the continent are in it for themselves alone ... as before. Hitler, too, believed he was acting on divine assignment, but who would accept that assertion now, with the perspective of history?

The same will be seen of this power grab in the future. If Ireland falls into goose stepping line with the Euros, we will be blithely handing our leash into the hands of another brit-like master who will strip our goods from us and leave us wallowing in the mud left behind.

Let's look at some of Roach's comments on RTE today:

Roche referred to the influence on the outcome of the referendum by "people outside Europe who wish Europe harm" - By which he means the Irish diaspora who have a clearer perspective of the overall issue. Indeed, in Roach's opinion, what right do Irish descendants have to state their experience and feelings about their - our - homeland?

At one point, Roche actually said; "we've already had a referendum on this matter." yes, we have, and we told our feelings - don't try to shove us around, thank you!

Questioned repeatedly, Roche continually refused to say that other cabinet members agreed to the idea of defying what the Irish people have said. This can offer a modicum of hope that Roach, alone, is defying the people's wishes.

Roche referred several times to "Eukips and ultra extremists" as those who are arguing against a second referendum. We can only assume that these biased terms of endearment mean anyone who disagrees with Roach, who wants to be more Euro than Irish.

Roche also hinted at threats that Ireland will find herself in much more difficult economic straits if we do not submit ourselves to the master race in Europe prime. These sound frighteningly like old, historic sabre-rattlings which Ireland has often had to deal with, don't they?

Just to show his knowledge of what has happened in the last few months, Roche said, "The Irish people have spoken." To which we say, yes, so let us be!

And he fell to the simplistic arguments that opposing sides to Lisbon were liars, that "everybody" on the no side argued that Ireland's place was within Europe - nope, wrong again, Mr. Roach. Many of us argued that Ireland's place was with Ireland. Perhaps with some help from our plantation lands in the USA.

Oh, and by the way, Mr. Roche, twenty-six other European "states" did not agree to the treaty as you assert. Many of those "states", including France, have serious problems with allowing themselves to be blended complacently into a whole which reflects none of their national identity. As I've said before, Greece is not part of Spain; France is still not part of Germany, and Ireland is not part of any of them! We are Ireland! Not "Number Twenty-Seven" among a bunch of nameless, faceless, identical "states."

I understand. I really do. Everyone in Europe is so jealous of America's success they can't wait to be called The United States of Europe. But, as an American for 50 years let me say that the homogeneity here is not what you want. Yes, we have some funny little "Yankee" and "Southerner" variances in our culture, but California is very much like New York is very much like Florida is very much like Chicago. We are all the same.

There is no way that the French people will quietly go into the blender with the Germans, the Italians, the Polish, and the british. The historic characters are too firmly ingrained into the national cultures. And they should be! The world needs a uniquely French, Greek, Polish, and IRISH character to relate to. This rush to a one-world identity is wrong. It is not efficient, it is not sensible, it is wrong.

Ireland, please stand strong against the pressure to melt into a euro-character. The world has one melting pot. It is moderately successful in some areas, but not in all. You don't want to surrender your Celtic character which is only yours. Stand strong.

Ireland is Ireland!

Tuesday 12 August 2008

More reasons to stop eating dead things!

This comes from a friend of mine - funny thing is she's a carnivore and would probably eat some of these disgusting things!

This is a popular buffet at the Beijing Olympic village ...

"Oh yes, dog brain soup very good for you! Very high in cholesterol and slimy doggy stuff!"

NOW - aren't you glad to be a vegetarian! Honestly, this looks like the depths for deprivation. How low we've stooped to eat bugs, dogs' livers, and goats' lungs! Don't give me that, "but people who are starving will eat anything to stay alive." People who are starving will eat plants and gain much more food value than from scorpions and snake. Besides, China is rapidly becoming an economic powerhouse.

This is just depravity. We were created as a beautiful, dignified, happy race. But after the Fall, we have tried to see how low we can go. And this is pretty low!

God forgive us!

Friday 1 August 2008

Welcommen to the real EU!

HA! The Daily Telegraph posted a story yesterday that demonstrates the real mindset inside the European unUnion. The story, titled "British children banned from German only playground in Crete resort" tells that a Greek resort which restricts its children's facilities to only German visitors.

"British families spent thousands of pounds each to book into the family friendly Meltemi Village, an all inclusive resort on the island of Crete. But when they arrived at the so-called family friendly resort they were told that the children's club was out of bounds because it was for German youngsters only," goes the story.

Well, of course, because the Germans are, remember, the master race, so why shouldn't their kindern receive special privileges?

But who is really surprised? This idea to blend such historically divided cultures into one happy family is as goofy as it sounds on the surface. Yes, individuals can get along. Yes, some cultures can even manage to cooperate for a profit. But face it, you can only go so far into making the Irish act like the French, or the brits act like the Czechs, or the Germans act like ... well, like anything but Germans!

The only ones to profit from the solidification of the EU compact will be the highhanded cliques such as the Germans and the French. This attempt to replay WWII again by taking over Europe is a blatant power grab. Have the Irish benefited from the union? A little. But so does the mouse when he accepts the first bite of cheese in the trap. Or the child who receives a free drug from a kindly pusher.

Der Herrenmensch are just part of the problematic mindset of this unnatural union. Our culture developed as a slave race to the brits (who thought themselves the master race), not as a partner of the broader Europe peoples. Yes, our contributions to those folk helped them develop their cultures and civilization, but how much did they help us overall? How much did they contribute to the Irish character (rape aside)? How much did they help us out of our servitude to our tormentors for 700 years? Not at all. They just looked on as we were trampled and misused by a stronger group. And, because that stronger group used our resources to buy the Europeans' loyalty, they refused to even see our slavery as wrong. They were, in fact, partners to our subjugation.

So why should we join them in their mass hysteria? This whole European Union farce is an attempt to build, not only an unnatural, but an unholy alliance. Doesn't this sound a little familiar? Doesn't this ring of a rebuilding of the old Roman Empire, as foretold in the Bible? Ezekiel 38 and 39, as well as references in Daniel and Revelation tell that in the last days the Roman Empire will be rebuilt from a union of her neighbors.

My dear Irish brothers and sisters, do we really want to become part of that? Not if we read the whole story and see where that group proceeds.

For more on the development of the EU into a 2,500 year old prophecy, read Joel Rosenberg's blog at

Don't go blindly into another damaging relationship with the same folk who have scorned us for so long. Their disdain is apparent in their disregard for our recent vote on Lisbon. We have more strength of character than they ever have had. We've earned it in our chains. Push them away.
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For a better life, better world, and better future. This is right to the point of caring for God's creations - Ireland, the Irish, American traditions, animals, and planet.