Tuesday 31 March 2009

The blog that time forgot…

I found this fascinating quote today:

Britain will get its first chance to see Barack Obama this week when a White House cavalcade - complete with armoured limousines, helicopters, 200 US secret service staff and a six-doctor medical team - sweeps into the UK.

Obama will fly into London for his first visit to the UK as president of the United States on Tuesday to take part in the G20 summit in the capital’s Docklands area. He will not be travelling light.

More than 500 officials and staff will accompany the president on his tour this week - along with a mass of high-tech security equipment, including the $300,000 presidential limousine, known as The Beast. Fitted with night-vision camera, reinforced steel plating, tear- gas cannon and oxygen tanks, the vehicle is the ultimate in heavy armoured transport.

In addition, a team from the White House kitchen will travel with the president to prepare his food. As one official put it: “When the president travels, the White House travels with him, right down to the car he drives, the water he drinks, the gasoline he uses, the food he eats. America is still the sole superpower and the president must have the ability to handle any crisis, anywhere, any time.”

Justgroovy, The blog that time forgot…, Mar 2009You should read the whole article.

Wednesday 25 March 2009

I blush to say it, but Bravo Obama ...

This, from The Opinionator blog, actually has me smiling. I had missed the fact that the Obama Administration shunned the brits when Gordon Brown visited, and then pulled out all stops for Irish PM Cowan.

Although I have many, many issues with Obama et al, I salute them for their good taste in this very important issue. Thank you, Mr. President, for giving the brits exactly what they deserve - nothing; and the Irish for what they deserve - our thanks and honor.

See what I mean:

Still, Nile Gardiner of The Telegraph thinks that, all in all, the luck of the Irish held.

The contrast between the White House welcome this month for the Irish and British Prime Ministers could not have been greater. Brian Cowen, the Taoiseach of Ireland, is hardly a world figure, but he received the kind of red carpet treatment in Washington that would normally be reserved for royalty.

The Irish PM has no influence whatsoever over the policies of the United States. Yet he was greeted for a 40-minute meeting in the Oval Office on Tuesday by not only the president but also Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and National Security Adviser Jim Jones. In addition, Obama hosted a lavish dinner party for 400 guests in Cowen’s honour to mark St. Patrick’s Day, where both the U.S. and Irish leaders spoke (teleprompter fiasco aside). At Michelle Obama’s request, the White House fountain was even turned green to mark the event.

When Gordon Brown was received at the White House at the start of March he was denied a press conference as well as an official dinner and was treated in a humiliating, demeaning fashion. Brown may well be a lame duck at home, but he is still the representative of 60 million Britons and a nation that has sacrificed blood and treasure alongside America time after time. The whole affair was hugely insulting to the British people.

For many, the ultimate symbol of the dissing of Gordon Brown involved the ritual exchange of presents: while the Browns came bearing “an ornamental pen holder made from the timbers of the Victorian anti-slave ship HMS Gannet” as well as books and outfits for the First Children, Sasha and Malia, the Obamas responded with a 25-disc set of classic American moves, which The Daily Mail’s Ian Drury called “as exciting as a pair of socks.”

While, again, this seems minor, insult was added to insult this week when it turned out that the regional-coding system applied to DVD’s rendered the movies unplayable at 10 Downing Street.
To paraphrase Michelle Obama: "For the first time," since this administration took office, "I'm proud of America" for their approach to European diplomacy.



Tuesday 24 March 2009

Is Obama Legally President of the US???

This peculiar story just keeps popping up - Why, oh why is the media ignoring it? NewsMax.com shares these facts:

Is the biggest political crime in American history taking place right before our eyes? Is the man in the White House INELIGIBLE, according to the Constitution, to sit in the Oval Office... is he a FRAUD... a USURPER?
Barack Hussein Obama could put the issue to rest right now by simply releasing his ACTUAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE!
But he WON'T release his ACTUAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE. In fact, he is actively RESISTING efforts to compel him to release his ACTUAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
He's dug in his heels. He has teams of lawyers fighting efforts to get him to release his ACTUAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE, while his underlings look down their noses at the American people and call these legitimate requests “garbage.”
And the one pivotal question that those who attempt to dismiss the controversy cannot answer is:
If Barack Hussein Obama has nothing to hide, what’s the problem? The more he resists, the more you have to wonder.
Meanwhile the liberal press is trying to drag this story into a dark alley and bludgeon it to death.
It’s time for you and me to weigh in and FORCE THE ISSUE! Let's call-out the liberal media.


Saving The United States Of America....

If Obama was in fact born in Kenya, the information may save the United States from bankruptcy: Since Obama’s inauguration on Jan. 20, stocks have plummeted to catastrophic lows.
The Dow has fallen 20.4 percent. Investors have lost an estimated $2.5 trillion in market value.
All because an arrogant young man – obsessed with 19th century Marxism – is trying to wreck the United States of America.
But suppose he isn’t legally president after all? Then that fact would surely nullify all his official acts, and acts he plans to put into place, including the following:
* His recent executive order rescinding the Mexico City Policy and committing U.S. taxpayers to fund abortion worldwide;
* His upcoming appointments, including FCC members who might attempt to shut down conservative talk radio;
* Any treaty he might sign that would weaken our defenses in an increasingly dangerous world;
* And the signing of legislation giving amnesty to illegal aliens.

We need to act quickly before the entire nation is standing on a street corner, rattling a tin cup.


Obama: Give Back Your AIG Bonus

So, when are President Barack Obama and Senator Chris Dodd giving back the "bonuses" that they received from American International Group (AIG)?

By now, you know the story. After receiving another $170 billion in so-called stimulus funding from the American taxpayer, AIG paid out $165 million in bonuses to its executives.

Almost immediately, the Obama Administration and liberals in Congress FEIGNED outrage. They even had the audacity to claim that they knew nothing about these bonuses.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi pontificated; "We want our money back now for the taxpayers." Senator Charles Schumer ominously threatened AIG executives; “If you don’t return it on your own, we will do it for you.”

And in a matter of hours, the Pelosi-led House of Representatives passed a bill that would (in certain cases) tax 90 percent of the bonus money that is received from any company that has received at least $5 billion in bailout money.

Essentially, the Pelosi-led House of Representatives played us for fools and used our public outrage to set a dangerous and draconian precedent.

Furthering a socialist agenda, liberals in Congress basically asserted their authority to tax any individual (or group)... any amount... at any time... totally at their discretion... no reason need be given... if they don't like you... that's it.

And President Obama cheered them on. He called it "a strong signal to the executives who run these firms that such compensation will not be tolerated."

But that's not the end of the story and the hypocrisy here is staggering folks. Brody Mullins and T.W. Farnam with The Wall Street Journal put it rather mildly:

"Some of the most vocal critics of American International Group Inc.'s bonus payments are also the biggest recipients of campaign contributions from the company, including President Barack Obama and Senate Banking Chairman Christopher Dodd."

It's time to call these elected officials on the carpet for their hypocrisy! Since they claim with such self-righteous indignation that "we want our money back now for the taxpayers," and that "such compensation will not be tolerated," it's time to tell Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama and Chris Dodd and Chuck Schumer to practice what they so sanctimoniously preach.

If they want to lead us down the road to socialism; let's see how they like having to live under the spirit of the laws they pass. Let's see how they like suffering along with everyone else.

President Obama's $110,332.00 in campaign contributions from AIG... we want it back! Senator Dodds's 281,038.00 in campaign contributions from AIG... we want it back! Senator Chuck Schmer's $111,875.00 in campaign contributions from AIG... we want that back too!

We want it ALL back... every thin dime... and not just campaign contributions from AIG. The American people want every single dime of campaign contributions paid by any company presently receiving bailout money BACK! We want it back NOW! We want it back TODAY!

Sunday 22 March 2009

United Farm Workers Say “No” to White House Garden

This post originally appeared at

Yes…you did read the headline of this post correctly. It appears that the United Farm Workers Union is pretty upset with the Bancroft Elementary School 5th graders planting a garden at the White House. According to a post over at ScrappleFace, the UFW is raising questions about whether or not the project is a violation of existing child labor laws and - get this - a violation of “the spirit of collective bargaining upon which this great nation was founded”.

If that is not bizarre enough, there’s more. According to the post:

The UFW has demanded it be allowed to organize by means of a card-check vote, in which the 11-year-old laborers would be invited by their teachers to sign a card affirming their desire to unionize without a secret ballot.

And, still there is more. The post attributes an unnamed UFW spokesman as further stating:

There’s a reason why vegetable harvesting is one of the many jobs that no American will do. Hauling out those sheaves of arugula is back-breaking work. These little children aren’t smart enough to negotiate their own contracts, and so they need a father figure to decide what’s good for them. That’s what unions do for their members.

It is frankly shocking to most Americans that the first African-American president would send workers into the field without pay, to toil under the unforgiving sun, bearing the fruits of their labors to the table of the man in the big white house.

I don’t know what to deal with first - but I’m going to try to hit as many points on this ridiculous stance as space and time will allow.

First: This country was NOT founded on the spirit of collective bargaining. If I recall from my history classes we had this little thing called slavery and the “employ” of Chinese immigrants to build the railroads that were certainly devoid of ANY collective bargaining agreements.

Second: Who in their right mind truly believes that these children will be on the White House grounds from dust to dawn to hoe, weed, fertilize, and tend this garden ALL by themselves? Listen UFW…Chill! The White House grounds crew and kitchen staff will being doing most of the work! After All, the children DO have to go to school.

Third: Four-H, Future Farmers of America, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, youth leagues, youth church leagues, etc., etc, etc. have all been known to plant gardens at senior citizen centers, pick up trash along highway and byways, or other jobs held by union workers. So, what’s the issue here?

Fourth: Frankly, I was wondering just how long it would take to put “racial spin” on the garden project. But, to imply the project is to slavery - well, that just goes way too far. The First Lady wants a healthy America. She wants to open the White House to the citizenry. She wants her role as FLOTUS to be one that is filled with”teachable moments”. She wants to make sure that the children of America realize the “dream” does not have to be deferred. No more…no less and interjections of race or slavery are simply inane.

Come on UFW, there’s too much on your plate to take out after the White House Victory Garden project. You should not let 23 5th-graders going to the White House to ceremonially plant some seeds, pick a few weeds, and watch a garden grow get your britches all up in a knot. Stick with the issues and concerns that matter like sexual harassment, dirty bathrooms, grower intimidation, and the lack of shade or water. I just don’t believe that this is the kind of thing Cesar Chavez had in mind when he founded the UFW.

Monday 16 March 2009

Saturday 7 March 2009

Union Thugs Taking over Government

Time is running out.

The battle in Congress over forced unionism and the so-called "Card Check" scheme is heating up dramatically, and it's vital I have your help today.

As I write you today, right now, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis are meeting behind closed doors with ALL of America's top AFL-CIO union brass at their "Executive Council" meeting in Miami, Florida.

My sources tell me at the top of the agenda is how to ram the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill through Congress as soon as possible.

As you know, this disastrous compulsory unionism power grab would eliminate the secret ballot in workplace unionization drives and would subject millions of American workers to union intimidation and demands to pay union dues or be fired from their jobs.

Make no mistake -- giving union bosses even more compulsory unionism power in the middle of an economic crisis is a prescription for disaster. And giving union bosses hundreds of millions of dollars in additional compulsory union dues will enable them to gain a hammerlock on Congress for years to come.

You can bet the Pelosi-Reid Congress won't give us advanced notice of their strategy.

The intelligence I'm picking up from union websites suggest that Congressman George Miller (D-CA) intends to introduce Card Check Forced Unionism next week and put it on a fast track.

Once the bill is introduced, it could come to a floor vote at any time. That's why it's EXTREMELY IMPORTANT we have your support NOW!

The 2.2 million member National Right to Work Committee may not have much time left to galvanize the American public against this forced unionism power grab. We are already ramping up our targeted mail, email, and phone mobilization to bring grassroots pressure to bear against the critical swing votes in the U.S. Senate.

Frankly, I believe we CAN ultimately stop this bill in the Senate and strike a major blow against Big Labor's overreach. But it won't be easy.

There's no time to lose.

CALL or WRITE your US Senators and Reps (emails seem to get "lost") - TODAY about your objection to this additional mess they're pushing us into.

Thursday 5 March 2009

It's the Foundation, Stupid!

(from America’s Foundation)

One of the best remembered phrases to come out of the Clinton administration - perhaps even a defining theme for our nation today - is something that was used as a focus statement for the president's platform: You remember, in 1992, when President Clinton was being pinned to the wall by his conservative opponent over all the topics that arise during a political campaign. Clinton's campaign manager, James Carvel, kept Clinton's message clear with the mantra, it's the ECONOMY, stupid!

That well-timed, catchy, fiery phrase carried the day, because that's what the American people wanted to hear–that this candidate was going to focus on their most important priority.
I'm sorry to have to disillusion you today, but Carvel was wrong. And the voters who rallied around that cry were wrong.

It's NOT the economy, stupid; it's not the economy we need to, as a united body, focus on. It's the FOUNDATION.

If a house is losing its foundation - if the cement and stone base upon which —it is set is crumbling and eroding - you don't throw money at new paint to make it look better to investors. You don't install an ultra-modern security system to protect from thieves. You don't install a state-of-the-art kitchen to feed everyone in the house. If the foundation is crumbling, what do you focus on repairing? THE FOUNDATION!

And what is our foundation? You have the answer with you. Take out a dollar bill. Now flip it over. There's a phrase on all our money that we mint that sets the defining tone for our nation. See it there – "in God we trust."

"In God we trust" was a term that was popular with our Founding Fathers when this nation was in early development. It is still popular today. It must be–everyone carries it around with them and guards it carefully.

But today, when we say, "In God we trust," our definition of that term has changed. Today, when we say "In God we trust," we're talking about the money on which the phrase is printed more than the phrase itself.

This has become our new foundation. It's the economy, stupid. This is the god in which we trust.
Our foundation is made of unsecured, over-inflated paper. This is our foundation–and this is our god. And it's false and hollow and dangerous!

It's NOT the economy–that's stupid!

We still speak with honor of our Founding Fathers, as we should. But what do we mean by that term? What did these great men Found? What was the Foundation they laid for us, their inheritors? To best answer that, we need to understand the men.

When we first started this business of being a nation, over 225 years ago, we had some very different ideas about what constituted freedom and basic human rights.

The equal rights that we battle over today would, in many cases, have seemed like perversions to the men and women who gave their lives to begin the America we live in.

When we speak of, say, freedom of religion and separation of church and state, we aren't even speaking the same language as the Founders of America.

But to understand what they had in mind for this nation and the people who would be born here, we need to have a little understanding of who these men were and what they stood for – to the death.

Of the men who made up the First Continental Congress in 1776, many were pastors of local churches; most were practicing Christians; and all of them acknowledged a Supreme Creator.

They unanimously voted for the First Amendment, which states,
Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Fisher Ames was the Congressman who wrote those words of the first Amendment. He warned in an article written in 1801 that the Bible must be kept in the forefront of the public school classroom–an idea which has been banished today. Discussing the acceptance of new text books for the school children of his day, Ames wrote:
Why then, if these new books for children must be retained, as they will be, should not the Bible regain the place it once held as a school book?
These men firmly believed in the necessity of Biblical morality in PUBLIC and private lives in order for the nation they were laying out to survive and prosper.

Noah Webster, representing at different times Connecticut and Massachusetts, wrote in a textbook for public school students,
All the miseries and evils which men suffer from - vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery, and war - proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible.
President John Adams - a signer of the Bill of Rights and the First Amendment - said, in 1798, in an address to the United States Army:
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
George Washington was known to be a strong-willed man who would withstand all manner of hardships for the cause of America's independence. But where did Washington find that strength of will?

In his farewell address, Washington told what he felt America's and his strength was built upon.
Of all the habits and dispositions which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars.
And Thomas Jefferson, the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence, which defined how our nation should proceed, said in 1781,
God, who gave us life, gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis (or foundation), a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the Gift of God? That they are not to be violated BUT with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.
Our country, then, was shaped by a unified body of men who believed, as a group, that without God as its foundation, we couldn't build a nation.

In 1947, 166 years after Thomas Jefferson made that statement, the United States Supreme Court made a revolutionary decision. In the case, Everson v. the Board of Education, they used a phrase which Jefferson himself made, but they used it in a way he never intended. In that decision, judging that a simple prayer could not be made in school, the Court cited the phrase "a wall of separation between Church and State" to mean that religion and the American public policy must be kept apart and that religion should not be taught in American classrooms.

The origin of that phrase was a letter President Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association in Connecticut. The Association had written to the President out of fear that the newly formed government would attempt to install a state-sanctioned religion, and prevent citizens from practicing religion freely where ever they wished. Jefferson was replying that the Constitution guaranteed freedom of religion to every citizen, and that the Constitution stood as a wall protecting the people's right to always practice religion without government orders.

Jefferson never intended that citizens be protected FROM religion, but that they be guaranteed the protection of a Godly government to practice religion anywhere and everywhere they desired. In government, in classrooms, in their homes, and in public.

When the United States Supreme Court established this legal precedent in 1947 (which 97% of the citizens at that time disagreed with), they began the process of tearing away the Foundation so carefully laid by the men who began this nation.

What has been the result of this undermining of our national Foundation?

In 1980, the Supreme Court ruled that - under the redefined phrase, separation of church and state - it was unconstitutional for a student to even SEE a copy of the Ten Commandments in school. (Remember that Fisher Ames, who wrote the First Amendment they refer to, encouraged that the Bible be kept as the primary text book in public classrooms!) Such ideals as "do not kill" or "do not steal" were now considered by the government to be subversive doctrine, and not to be promoted to impressionable children.

Well, the children were impressed, alright!

Since that landmark decision:
• There has been a 500% increase in teen pregnancies - it's called a national crisis; but teaching abstinence and morals is considered subversive religious indoctrination.
• Violent crime has risen 794% faster than the population growth - I don't even have to remind you of Jonesboro, AR and Littleton, CO.
• Sexually transmitted diseases are rampant.
• Divorce and the death of family is now prevalent.
• We house in prison over 2 million of our youth who were raised under the new doctrine.
• 50% of today's youth smoke. And study after study shows that many of those go on to illegal drugs.

Our current government has succeeded in separating Church (or religion) from State (or the nation). And we are paying the price.

From the cradle to the rest home, our government is seeking (and finding!) ways to weed out citizens. Anyone that a humanistic, evolution-believing minority feels is in the way, is eliminated. Abortion, euthanasia, and selective medical care provisions are the tools used to remove anyone who stands in the way of a perfect society.

That's where we are. And it's not a pretty picture.
It's the economy, stupid! … is stupid! It's not the economy, it's the Foundation we need to work on.

Fortunately, many of our citizens and their representatives in government are beginning to see the light. They are beginning to realize that, just like literacy and SAT scores, our country's quality of life has plummeted since our focus moved from our Foundation to our pocketbook. They are beginning to realize that maybe the men who originally plotted out this nation actually knew what they were doing.

As God-created individuals, every person has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I didn't say that; the men who dreamed and worked and prayed this nation into existence said it.

The reason that America is the land that so many are willing to risk their lives to come to is that we were founded on freedoms. So many areas of the world restrict religious freedom - America included, now. But originally, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence guaranteed to every American citizen the right to worship God wherever and whenever they desired.

We can all contribute to this counter-revolution. Every voting citizen can let elected representatives know that they are through with a flawed perversion of our system as it was originally intended.

You can write letters, send e-mails, support platforms, and vote encouragement to men and women who will stand for bringing the focus back where it belongs. And you can pray for your leaders who believe, as most Americans do, that We The People still deserve the America we were promised.
My photo
For a better life, better world, and better future. This is right to the point of caring for God's creations - Ireland, the Irish, American traditions, animals, and planet.