Thursday 24 July 2008

Americans Refused Voting Rights

In a story by Robert Novak, published today, we learn that,

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Rep. Roy Blunt, the House Republican whip, on July 8 introduced a resolution demanding that the Defense Department better enable U.S. military personnel overseas to vote in the November elections. That act was followed by silence. Democrats normally leap on an opportunity to find fault with the Bush Pentagon. But not a single Democrat joined Blunt as a co-sponsor, and an all-Republican proposal cannot pass in the Democratic-controlled House.

So? Republican proposes, Democrats decline to support.

But wait, why wouldn't Democrat Congressmen want American soldiers to miss out on their right to vote for president?

Could it be because so many loyal Americans who feel strongly enough about defending our rights they'll go overseas to risk life and limb ... would be opposed to an ARAB-American as their Commander in Chief? Or maybe it's just because there aren't too many Democrats fighting for us as there are Republicans?

Ooooo! How diabolically clever! Isolate the citizens most likely to vote against your party during the elections so your party will be in a stronger position to win. Sounds like somebody has been taking notes form Robert Mugabe's political tactics!

Write your congressman and ask them to push for voting rights for American soldiers. At least give them a chance to vote on the government they're defending!

Barack Hussein is ARAB-American

For some reason (oh come on, I'm trying to be nice) the US media has glommed onto Barack Hussein and are infatuated with him. The tout his looks, his charisma, his popularity at his rock concert-style appearances, but for some reason ( ! ) they don't talk too much about his experience, knowledge of the issues, or plans for our future if he should (shudder) become pres ... you know, I can't bear to say it.

I won't wear you down by pointing out that the reason the media focuses on his surface, but doesn't dwell too much on his lack of depth. I'll only guess there's not much story fodder there. But I do want to point out one important point about which BHO has made a big deal and which the media has followed the pattern - that is his ethnicity. Osama, er, sorry Obama refers to his background regularly, referring to his upbringing and his family history. But, once again, much of it is style, but no substance.

A recent visit to an ancestry site which has explored Barack Hussein's ancestry (and many have done so) reveals the following statement regarding BHO:

"Senator Obama is not African American according to U.S. Law. Senator Obama is an Arab-American according to U.S. Law. Senator Obama’s racial background consists of the following: 50% white (mother and her parents on both sides), 43.25% Arabic (father and his parents on both sides), and 6.25% African Negro (father on one side, but 1 generation removed). 12.5% is the legal threshold one must prove to claim racial status under the law. " [emphasis mine]

So, by law, Barack Hussein Obama is not African-American, as he claims. Maybe this is why so many real African-Americans are turning away from a politician who is trying to "play the race card" and to take advantage of their difficulties to ride to office.

Do we even need to examine the eligibility of a presidential candidate who blatantly lies about such a basic issue as his family? Yes, we've become inured to our politicians lying from time to time - good grief, it's become almost expected of that particular species - but a presidential candidate should have some integrity, for Heaven's sake! We're talking about someone who could be entrusted with our national safety, much less representing us to the world!

The man doesn't even know where he came from, how can he know where he's going?

This Arab was ashamed of his family as a kid (changed his name in school to Barry) and tried to say he was African-American rather than Arabian. But he can't really make a logical claim to an African American work. First, he wasn't raised as an African American, and he wasn't raised by African Americans, and he wasn't raised in an African American neighborhood.

So this Arab is trying to ride the coattails of American blacks who have honest issues of their ancestral past to deal with.

The media shouldn't be wasting their time wondering editorially whether Barack Hussein will carry the black vote, they should be poling Islamic temples to see if he will carry the Arabian vote. Wait, do they vote? Bet they will if there's a chance of having a "brother" Arab in the White House deciding American policy with the Middle East!

GACK! Did you hear what I just said? "a chance of having an Arab in the White House deciding American policy with the Middle East!" Where will Israel stand at that point in our considerations? Where will our energy concerns stand if B. Hussein is presi ... nope, still can't say it.

Please, inform as many others as you possibly can of this possible situation. Tell them we're considering an Arab for president. And urge them to vote against him.

Sunday 20 July 2008

Letter to US Congressmen

Dear Senator [___],

French president Nicolas Sarkozy is visiting Ireland this Monday to attempt to force them to vote again on a measure they have already rejected. His overbearing attitude and this effort to impose his will upon another people (BTW, his own citizens rejected his proposal, too) is tantamount to an autocratic imposition of his agenda.

The Lisbon Treaty, however you may feel about it, introduction of a Fourth Reich or just a market annexation, has been properly proffered and voted upon. It was duly rejected by the free Irish voters.

Now EU Führer and French president Sarkozy is doing just what so many Irish citizens feared - he is attempting to force them to bend to his will against their own.

Please support Irish rights to decide their own government. Encourage Taoiseach Brian Cowen to stand up for his own people's decision and to resist Sarkozy's highhanded powerplay.

The Irish people have let their will be known. Only in a totalitarian state (is this what the EU is aimed toward becoming?) is the will of the people summarily ignored. Sarkozy's refusal to accept the Irish decision is indicative of his end goal and intentions.

The United States needs to stand strong beside the homeland of so many of our ancestors and defend this affront to liberty and free speech.

Sarkozy Stay Home!

Haven't you ever heard, "If you can't say something nice, than say nothing at all?" (OK, apparently neither have I!) But it certainly applies to French President Nikki Sarkozi. After all Ireland has done for him! You'd think the man would be grateful, wouldn't you?

But no, he's coming over all pissy and whiny about our vote against his pet take over attempt (who'da thunk it?) just because we didn't welcome the next phase toward dictatorship with open arms.

Just because the dimwitted brits have accepted your take over attempt (anything would be better, they probably think, than what they have now), doesn't mean we're going to change our minds. You didn't read the history books correctly, N.S., we weren't britain's partners or buddies, we were their slaves. And FYI, former slaves don't usually follow their past masters over a cliff. We just stand and watch, and cheer.

But your overbearing attitude of "Ve vill make zose ignorant peasant Irish obey our commands" isn't really surprising. If you'll recall, many of us expected, even predicted this turn of events before the vote you lost. Many pundits said that if we didn't back your horse you'd come back to run over us.

And that prediction, having come true with your eminent visit, will simply be ammunition for us to use, should another vote actually be decreed, to swing more voters against your blitzkrieg. You want to see a real landslide vote, just force us to vote on your proposal again. You'll be lucky to get a dozen drunken sailors to side with you.

C'mon Nikkita! Stay home where you're wanted ... oh, right, even your OWN PEOPLE REJECTED your mess of a proposal toward a fourth Reich! Drop it, already. Nobody wants to play in your gulag, Nikki. Stay home and sulk, or whine, or even criticise us.

Just stay home, OK?

Thursday 10 July 2008

Iran kicking up more dust at Israel

It's both amazing and alarming to see the world headlines borrowing from a "fiction" novel so closely as today's Independent did. In the story headed, "Iran turns the screw on Israel with firing of missiles," Tom Baldwin tells that the Middle East is moving closer to following the plot outlined in Joel Rosenberg's popular suspense novels.

In case you're one of the roughly two dozen people in the world who haven't read the books yet, let me clue you in. Rosenberg wrote his first novel, "The Last Jihad," in 2000 and early 2001. It opens with Islamic terrorists using a plane to kamikaze attack the US. Now, remember, this was a year before 9/11, right? His novel and the following series, "The Last Days,"The Ezekiel Option," and "The Copper Scroll," proceed to describe, with what hundreds of news reviewers have described as "eerie prophetic accuracy," the unfolding events of the march to and through Armageddon. The Washington Times' Mark Kellner said of Rosenberg, "He has been called a 'modern-day Nostradamus' for his novels, which seem to be ripped from the headlines -- next year's headlines.."

Enough said about Rosenberg's novels. You've read them (if not ... DO IT! - go to his web site to find out more about these must reads) so I won't bore you with another recap.

Back to Iran and Israel ... as Ahmadinejad and his military commander, General Salami, (I kid you not, the man in charge of Iran's military is named after a pork sausage! Would that make the two of them the team of "salami and baloney"?) where was I? Oh yes, General Balon ... Salami said that the missile firings were in response to "harsh language" from Israel and the US. So apparently, Salami and Baloney were so offended by our saying they should mind their manners they threw a hissy fit and threatened - again - to annihilate Israel.

Whine, whine, whine. Ever since Abraham gave Ishmael the boot in favor of Isaac (at God's direction, BTW), these guys have been whining. Only problem is, now they're developing nuclear weapons. That means the next time they get their burkas in a wad they could be tossing nukes around.

Not to worry, I read the back of the book. (and parts of the middle, which is to say Ezekiel and Revelations) And I'm happy to report that they lose, we win.

BUT ... now is the time to choose sides: Islam and their hate filled rhetoric of "kill everyone who doesn't believe the same way we do," or Christianity and Jesus' teachings of "love your enemies and bless those who curse you." Seems like a no-brainer, right? Apparently, because the ones choosing the wrong sides seem to be "no-brainers."

Tuesday 8 July 2008

ALERT! more poison meat recalled (good grief!)

DATELINE: America; July 8, 2008

The USDA has (AGAIN!!!!) issued a warning and a recall of poisonous beef. ( see the notice at

This is a Class 1 Recall; Health risk is HIGH.

Look, I'm not going to go into all the reasons that eating meat is harmful for your body and your children's bodies (read my earlier posts for full discussions of that), but I will say that the USDA and the scandalous meat packing plant practices are certainly making a strong case for vegetarianism. We don't need meat to live - or even to function better.

Meat consumption is a choice. It is an expensive choice, and a harmful one. It is a dangerous choice. It's OK to play "russian roulette" with your own health and life, but you shouldn't with your children's lives.

This latest recall is regarding E. Coli tainted beef and is centered throughout the country. But the next poison contamination could be at your neighborhood store. It could involve chicken, pig, or more cows.

Why risk it? At least with contaminated vegetables (such as the recent tomato scare) you can still safely eat processed - canned or bottled - vegetables. (See FDA report at But with beef ... well contaminated dead cow is contaminated no matter what you do to it!

The following post offers some suggestions for what to do with cows you may have, but may now be unsure what to do with.

God bless your family and their health - but don't leave it all up to Him, use common sense. Don't eat dead, decaying animals!

10 Things to do with cows

So, if you have some cows just lying around the place, which you're now too scared - or too bloody smart! - to have butchered due to all the mad cow and other alarms going off, here are some suggestions for what to do wit that darlin' bo of yours:

> pet cows
> ride cows

> feed cows
> use cows as grass trimmers
> obtain fertilizer from cows (after above)
> decorate cows with political sandwich boards and lead them through downtown
> give kiddy rides at the fair
> stress relief: talk to cows
> play fetch with cows (slow game!)
> brush and comb cows

JUST DON'T EAT THEM! (Sound silly? Americans spend $4 billion dollars each year on our dogs and cats!)

Eating a cow is; a) harmful to your body (cholesterol, hormones, etc); b) harmful to the environment (takes much more land to raise beef cattle than veg foods, plus much more pollution); and c) detrimental to the cow's health!

Read my earlier posts for more details, but basically: we were originally engineered to operate at peak efficiency on a vegetarian diet (Genesis 1:29), so meat is contraindicated for human consumption.

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For a better life, better world, and better future. This is right to the point of caring for God's creations - Ireland, the Irish, American traditions, animals, and planet.