As a voter and a constituent speaking to my duly elected public servant, my instructions to you are:---------
end of instructions.
your immediate and continued compliance is expected.
your public.
Honestly, I thought that was pretty understandable. But I underestimated the dumb-ness of people in politics.
Today I received this:
Thank you for contacting me regarding health care reform. I appreciate hearing from you.Obviously, he's thinking far too much and representing my preferences far too little. This guy has never had anything to do with following orders, in the military, a corporation, or in a marriage!
There are two committees in the United States Senate that have jurisdiction over health care reform. The first committee of jurisdiction is the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee (HELP). On July 15, 2009, the Senate HELP Committee completed work on S. 1679, the Affordable Health Choices Act. The second committee of jurisdiction is the Senate Committee on Finance. On October 13, 2009, the Finance Committee completed work on their version of a health care reform bill called the America's Healthy Future Act. At this time, I am reviewing both proposals and listening carefully to the concerns of constituents.
I am committed to working in the Senate to address the rising cost of health care, and it is critical that Congress work to get health care spending under control. As you know, there are many proposals which are intended to make healthcare coverage more affordable for all Americans. Many of these proposals use different approaches to expand coverage and hold down costs. Some plans involve the use of tax incentives for small businesses and individual Americans. Proposals to hold down costs include switching from paper to electronic medical records to streamline the administrative process, banning health care coverage discrimination, chronic disease management, negotiating prescription drug costs and increasing access to generic prescription drugs.
Perhaps the biggest driver of increasing health care costs is having 46 million Americans who don't have health coverage. Too often these individuals go without important preventative care, and when the health problems of these uninsured get bad enough, they seek care in the most expensive place to get it and the only place it is available to them - in an emergency room. Everyone who has health insurance or pays the hospital for treatment helps pay for the hospital's burden of providing uncompensated care to the uninsured. At the same time, many individuals and employers struggle to pay the rapidly rising premiums charged for health coverage.
I supported the expansion of the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) in Congress because I believe that providing health care coverage for low-income children and children of working families is a step in the right direction to combating the health care crisis. After securing health insurance coverage for these children, I hope that Congress can work to solve the problems facing health insurance coverage affordability for employees of small businesses and for all Americans that do not have affordable access to health care.
Thank you for contacting me about this issue. I welcome your input. Please do not hesitate to contact me or my office about this or any matter of concern to you.
Being the patient person I am, I replied as follows, in an attempt to help this person understand my request:
Dear Elected representative, Senator Pryor:Wanna guess whether he got it yet or not?
Obviously I was not clear enough in my first email, based on your clouded reply. Let me make it clearer:
We do not need a 2000-plus page law regarding how to provide health care for our citizens. That is STUPID.
You are hereby directed to stand against any such program. As my elected representative, I expect you to abide by my instructions.
To repeat:
Your response of compliance to this directive is expected.
[my name]
American Citizen of the State of Arkansas
I'll let you know ...
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